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Machine Learning: K-Means Clustering

Machine Learning: K-Means Clustering blog cover

K-Means is a widely used machine learning clustering algorithm, known for its simplicity and efficiency. It partitions data into clusters based on similarity, aiding pattern recognition. In machine learning, K-Means is used for clustering, a form of unsupervised learning. It groups similar data points together, aiding pattern recognition and data exploration.

Paradigms of Machine Learning

How It Works

  1. Initiation
    Choose K data points as initial centroids, these are the centers of the clusters. Centroids can be chosen randomly or with a more sophisticated method, such as K-Means++. K will be the number of clusters. The choice of K significantly impacts the quality and interpretability of the clustering results. There are several methods for choosing K, including the elbow method and silhouette method.
  2. Assigment
    Allocate each data point to its closest centroid, a process conventionally executed through the computation of Euclidean distances between the data point and each respective centroid. This method is commonly employed in the implementation of the K-means clustering algorithm.
  3. Update
    Recompute the centroids of each cluster by taking the mean of all data points assigned to that cluster.
  4. Repeat
    Continuously execute the assignment and centroid update steps until convergence is reached. Convergence is recognized when the centroids stabilize, demonstrating minimal further change, or when a predefined number of iterations has been completed.


  • Sensitive to Outliers: K-Means is sensitive to outliers, which can significantly impact the centroids and cluster assignments.
  • Dependence on Euclidean Distance: K-means utilizes the Euclidean distance metric, a measure of straight-line distance, which may not be optimal for diverse types of data.


K-means, a clustering algorithm, categorizes data into K groups using distance metrics. Critical is the optimal selection of K, with limitations including sensitivity to outliers and assumptions of spherical clusters.

Author: Glenn Pray